Hannes Reich Dirigent / Conductor



Hannes Reich is invited, to prepare the chorus of Beethovens 9th sinfonie for a concert with the Freiburger Barockorchester in Mexico.

Hannes Reich won the German Choral Conductorprize 2016. This award is combined with invitations to the radio choirs in Germany.

Hannes Reich will become the new artistic director of the Freiburg Bach Choir. He will succeed to Hans Michael Beuerle in conducting the renowned ensemble.


Hannes Reich belongs to the few conductors of his generation, who already at a young age could enjoy considerable success in both working with choirs and orchestras. Consequently, he became the conductor of the Academic Orchestra Freiburg and artistic director of Bosch Symphony Orchestra. He also teaches at the Trossingen University of Music. Simultaneously, he was the holder of the Dirigentenforum Chor Scholarship granted from the German Music Council and has conducted ensembles such as the Rias Chamber Choir or the radio choirs from Berlin, Leipzig and Cologne. In 2016 he became the new artistic director of the Freiburg Bach Choir and shortly afterwards he won the German Choral Conductor prize of 2016.

Hannes Reich has conducted numerous renowned orchestras. He was guest conductor for the Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz, the Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen, the Philharmonic Orchestra Freiburg and at the Kammerphilharmonie Graubünden and also has conducted various projects at theaters of Konstanz and Villingen. He attended many masterclasses, among others with Howard Arman, Hans-Christoph Rademann, Lucas Vis and Jos van Veldhofen. 

He assisted by several occasions the musical direction of the Schlossoper Haldenstein in Chur, where he conducted the productions of La Traviata, Rigoletto and Die Fledermaus and took charge of the opera chorus. Moreover he was the musical director of the Magic Flute and Hansel and Gretel productions at the Talentwerkstatt 43 e.V. in Rottweil.

His broad repertoire, his natural musicality and his compelling ability to motivate promise a successful future.

curriculum vitae

curriculum vitae, english
(long version)



Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4, 4th mvmt
Akademisches Orchester Freiburg
Conductor: Hannes Reich
8. Juli 2016, Konzerthaus Freiburg
J. S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio "Jauchzet, frohlocket"
Freiburger Bachchor und Freiburger Bachchorchester
Conductor: Hannes Reich
16. Dezember 2016, Konzerthaus Freiburg

audio samples

audio samples on request


Pressebild Hannes Reich Vorschau

--> press photos for download (46 MB)
copyright photos: Jessica Alice Hath


Hannes Reich

info (at) hannesreich.com



Hannes Reich
Memelweg 9
73061 Ebersbach/Fils

info (at) hannesreich.com



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